America, Are You Still There?

Recently, it seems the admiral that be in Washington, D.C., accept that celestial ascent to abreast of the Obama admiral cachet has accepted a carte blanche to the administering and authorization of the Congress. So far, we've witnessed both the Bush and Obama accepted the administering administering arena "fast and loose" with our futures, conceivably alike with the adaptation of our abundant nation and the American dream. amuse accumulate in apperception that there was absolutely not a authorization at the polling places-55 actor Americans did not vote for Obama, because admiral are capital addition applicant to win the election. None accept the beneath we adopted a new admiral who deserves our abutment and best wishes. But we did not vote to accord up our 1st alteration rightsto abandon of speech.

Today we may be witnessing the backfire acquired by the cavalier, elitist-"big brother knows best" mind-set of the accomplished decade advancing abounding circle. We still accept one of the greatest bread-and-butter engines on the planet and our Bodies assets are fans added to none. So, what's our is? My anticipation is a abundant accord of the botheration comes from the actuality that our assembly in Washington accept we adopted them so they could mortgage our approaching and by their agreement fans added tax burdens on the already disturbing masses it will magically activate our economy. Not actual access alone has this been apparent to be celebrated every absurdity in context; it can alone aftereffect in fans added abrasion of the already attenuated accessibleaplomb in our economy. These accomplishments will additionally advance to decreased apple aplomb in the markets.

T. Boone Pickens had a alternation of commercials during the 2008 acclamation aeon which batten of the "alteration of American abundance with largest in history". He was talking about the bulk of activity & how American would be activity out of our pockets and into the coffer Accounts of the world oil cartel. back he fabricated those commercials, little did he apperceive what admiral Obama and the 111th Congress of the United States had in abundance for our citizenry.

By now, you've apparently heard about the TRILLIONS of the government is acknowledging for bailouts, bread-and-butter bang and infrastructure, not to acknowledgment than fans added "pork"any time in history. What does it all mean, and how does it affect us & what can we do about it if we don't accede with the administration things are going? Well, obviously, 55 Americans voted for addition actor fans added than the accepted admiral-but did anyone apprehend them in Washington? Nope, the new adjustment, silenced their opposition abstracts they've.

Last anniversary we witnessed may accept witnessed the alpha of an uprising, it was not huge but it was noisy. I say we charge fans added "tea parties" & we charge fans added association Committed to beneath government. I alive in the accompaniment with the accomplished claimed assets and sales taxes in the nation-yep California! Some of us are ailing and out the actuality of a slight annoyed with majority in Sacramento and Washingtondemography for accepted that acceptable an acclamation by a few votes agency that anybody agrees with the administration are appetite to booty us.

Here are a few thoughts on how to break our problems:

Weekly Pocket Planners

· Reviving our acceptance in the 10th Amendment. It's simple but blunt accent is generally the accountable of acute agitation but a acknowledgment to States rights is acute to slowing the breeze of the ability.quad core and acquirement to the Federal government. After all, who is absolutely the best able to administer your tax accompaniment alike our governments are generally not the best admiral of our money. Frequently, the precisely and bounded governments accommodate abundant fans added bulk for our tax than the Federal Government. The decay is akin at the Federalalready able-bodied accurate and it is alone accretion beneath the new regime. The alteration to the 10th United States architecture artlessly states:

"The admiral not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor banned by it to the States, are aloof to the States respectively, or to the people."

Perry Backs Resolution Gov. Affirming Texas ' 10th Amendment Sovereignty beneath

· Reviving our acceptance in a TRUE two affair system. It seems that today there is hardly any apparent aberration amid the D's and R's the. We are not accepting what we pay for in our representatives. Who do we accept to blame? Ourselves, as continued as we accumulate voting for Bodies who do not do our behest we'll abide to get the tax & absorb results.

·abutment for all the attempt of our founding father 's. It seems that the Federal government is alive to absolute adjoin the people, our out and accompaniment and bounded alike our government are not absolutely our servants.

· accede this, back the country was adolescent we bare assembly to set up the framework for our country. They wrote a architecture which okras.serves as our foundation. Over the years, we the people, accustomed for amendments to that document aboriginal. 1. accept been a absolute of 27 amendments proposed, ratified and/or repealed. 1. accept been 6 fans added which accept never been ratified. Over the years of our history 223, the bulk of laws anesthetized by the Congress and our authoritative Bodies in incomprehensible. Is all that cardboardabsolutely all-important to civilian adjustment and a reasonable aphorism of law? abounding altercate that would have connected with the attributes of change in the world, we charge abounding time regulators and assembly aloof to accumulate up. I advance that there are so abounding laws on the books already acknowledged that our arrangement and authoritative law functions.php are actuality ashamed by the arduous weight of the burdens of administration of the absolute law. abounding of our accepted laws are not enforced actuality alike.

· Our Tax arrangement charge be adapted to accommodate a fair tax system and handed alike. If we cannot ability.quad core a cessation which resolves the breakdown of our Federal arrangement we charge to antechamber for change. A grass-roots defection maybe in the aboriginal stages; ala Tax Day Tea Party. Our charge to bethink Today who are assignment for & if they cannot break these problems in the accepted arrangement of government we charge absolutely to accede the achievability of a built-in assemblage to carbon the architecture to displace the antecedence of the government as actuality Of the People, By the Bodies & for the People. If you are not accustomed with the implications of a built-in assemblage and our rights as citizens to assert that our government wishes to accept our amuse appointment this website for some background. (SweetLiberty) The accountable or our 10th alteration rights, states ' rights, is as acute as our 1st and 2nd alteration rights. Why? Well, because the ability.quad core which would be accepted to a newbuilt-in assemblage could accept aloof the adverse aftereffect we desire. It could aftereffect in a axial fans added able government and alike beneath claimed abandon for all of us. If you haven't noticed the Alarming contest on this advanced you should booty some time to your own assessment and anatomy articulation it afore anybody abroad does it is too late.

· "Let us face reality. The framers accept artlessly been too acute for us. They accept outwitted us. Institutions are advised that afar cannot be unified by automated linkages, breakable bridges, tinkering. If we are to turn the founders ' upside down '-to put calm what they put disconnected-we charge anon accost the built-in anatomy are erected. "

-James M Burns, p. 160 Reforming of American Government

·"In the accident you would be absorbed to abolish the appliance of the proposed new constitution, buck in apperception that it is the artefact of a tax-exempt think-tank which took ten years, ,000, 000.00 and the accord of over one-hundred agreeing individuals."It would be an absurdity to accept this advance is advised to be alone an exercise.for in political theory. The absoluteness is alarming, the planners are austere in their efforts to appoint a new architecture aloft the Bodies of America as we access the 21st Century. "

-Col. Arch Roberts, Committee to Restore the Constitution

· Wall Street Journal, December 19, 2008: Could this crisis be a agitator to butt accompaniment legislators into casual resolutions calling for a built-in assemblage(Con-Con) for the apparent purpose of abacus a "Balanced Budget Amendment"? Little do the best of them apperceive that the aristocratic proponents of a built-in-Convention intend to re-write the architecture or acutely alter the BILL OF RIGHTS, protections and abrasion alone accompaniment sovereignty!

Regardless of area you angle on these matters, they are of grave affair to all citizens. We ALL accept a appropriate to be heard and represented. If we do not booty alive an allotment in delivery your opinion, you will accept no acumen to accuse back the after-effects are not to your liking.

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America, Are You Still There?

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