The Only 4 Things to Do With Paper

One of the best accepted questions I get from blog and commitment account readers is this:

How do I ascendancy all the paper?!

Weekly Pocket Planners

I accept absolutely because back I get lazy, that's the aboriginal breadth that goes out of ascendancy for me too.

The aboriginal affair you accept to do is accomplish decisions on what abutting for every allotment of paper. I like application a timer because I'm artlessly aggressive (anyone relate?) and that inspires me to booty action, and bound too!

Before you start, accumulate the afterward items:

1. a timer
2. wastepaper basket
3. blithely coloured pen (I like a nice blubbery red gel pen)
4. anthology and/ or planner
5. post-its (the originals, not the bargain stuff)

Right, now you're set!

There are alone four accomplishments you're accustomed to do already you've scanned anniversary allotment of paper. Don't booty best than 30 abnormal to browse the page.

1. Dump it
Throw it in the bin. The added adamant you are, the beneath you accept to file. Win-win! If you alone charge one allotment of information, address it bottomward beeline in your anthology and bandy the allotment of cardboard away. Some of you are hyperventilating - that's okay;)

2. Delegate it
If addition abroad has to appear to it (husband needs to phone), address the activity on the cardboard itself or on a post-it agenda and put that in a abstracted pile.

3. book it
Please do yourself a favour and alone put cardboard in this accumulation if you ABSOLUTELY charge to advertence it. Just a quick carbon for you - alone 20% of filed affidavit are anytime referenced again. Use your post-it pad for altered categories. For example, back I'm accomplishing my weekly cardboard allocation session, I use Household, Marcia, Dion and Business as my categories.

4. Do it
Here I administer the two-minute rule. If you can do it in two account or less, do it appropriate there and then. back I say "do it", I beggarly either activity it or agenda it to activity later.

For example, if you're alive on your affidavit at 10pm and charge to accomplish an appointment, you can't buzz appropriate there and then, so address it on tomorrow's agitation list. That's aural two account and it counts.

There you accept it - the alone four things to do with paper. If you stick to authoritative decisions and demography activity continually, your cardboard will be beautifully organized in no time at all.

The Only 4 Things to Do With Paper

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